Monday, April 20, 2009


Got to love craigslist, this seat goes for 40$ in Baby's R us and I got it for 12$ on craigslist, and the best part is, SHE LOVES IT!

Happy Easter!

God has risen, he has risen indeed!

We went out to Long Island for the weekend, for Grandmas b-day and for Easter. I love Spring.. It reminds me more and more of the power of God. All the trees starting to bud, and flowers starting to grow, how could you not feel the power of God?

Grandmas B-day

We went out to Charliy Browns for Grandmas Birthday April 11th! It was yummy delicious. Sierra was a perfict baby! No crying. It was Great Gram, Grandma, Grandpa, Uncal Stevie, Tina, Auntie Aaliyah, mom and dad.

Happy Birthday GRANDMA!!!

Daddy's Hernia Operation

At the Hospital in Manhattan waiting for Daddy's to have his hernia operation, it was on Wednesday April 1st 2009. Long story short...Went to the hospital at 9am....waiting...waiting waiting...running to the car ever 3 hours to feed the meter...sometime in the afternoon went to the car and had a FLAT tire! I was freaking out. Thank God Rob reminded me that we had triple A! Once Rob went into surgery I called them to come put my donut on. Then some more waiting waiting waiting...till he was finally released at 11pm. 14 hours later. Then I went to find a local CVS to get his med's...have to go to 3 DIFFERENT CVS's till I finally found one that would give me perkisette! didn't get home till 1am..then we were so wound up from the day, we decided to watch Lost! HAHA! all with a new born!

He has since recovered, and doing much better.


Sierra in a TUB
(10 weeks old)

I have recently discovered the best baby bath product! I love's called "Weleda baby" I got the baby body wash, oil, and lotion. The Johnsons baby products weren't helpings with her dry skin. this stuff is AWESOME! (expensive, but good). I also have been using vitamin E oil (right out of the pill) just on her face. it's now as soft a her baby butt! ;)

We have lift off!

She just started to lift her head yesterday. I was getting a little nervous b/c she is going to be 3 months next week and every time we would do tummy time she would lay there and just CRY! so I started to do what the Dr. said and after I change her diaper just roll her on her tummy on the changing table and let her lay there till she start I did...and all of a sudden two days ago she started to lift her head...I ran and grabbed the camera and this is what I got...

The next day however...I was prepared with my camera at hand! and this is what I got....

Now that's my girl!

SLEEP has come!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So the day (or night) has COME!!!! the last two night Miss. Sierra has slept though the night...we put her down around 8:30pm and she would get up for her 10pm feeding I'll feed for about 2o min's and she goes right back down till 7am!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I thought this day would never come...and it's very true..everyone told me that one day you will wake up and think your baby stopped breathing, and run over to check on her and sure enough there she is like a little angle just sleeping away!!!! I read the book "Baby Wise", and it help a lot. It thought me about learning how to schedule her nap/feed/awake times. It said in the book that by this age (11 weeks) she should be starting to sleep though the night.