Sunday, March 29, 2009

Our visit to Long Island

We went out to visit some friends and family two weeks ago..but mommy left her camera out there ...silly mommy! so that why these are a little older pictures

We went to visit Kristyn and Ryans new apartment complex

Sleeping with Aunt Katie

Sleeping with Auntie Aaliyah Doll

Grandpa and Auntie Aaliyah

Jill Angie & Sierra

Saturday, March 21, 2009

We have a visitor...

His name is Rocky the squirrel

He visits us every day now, he wants to make sure we are taking good care of Sierra. The cats love when he comes they get very excited and want desperately to have a play date with him.


Look at the beautiful BROWN eyes! her color is coming in now...7 weeks old
And she is smiling a lot more....SOOOOO cute!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Just chillin'

A day at the park

It was nice weather on Sat. So we decided to take the little one to the park right accross the street from where we live.

I'm all up to date now!!!!!!

The past 2 weeks

Her Brown eyes are coming in now, 5 1/2 weeks.

She's totally able to sit up now without a bobbly head.

We had a play date with Aiden. Aiden was trying to console Sierra, but she didn't want anything to do with this picture.

Things I could not live WITHOUT!

The Mommy Hook

This is the best thing ever when your shopping with the stroller you just hook all your bag in it and there totally out of your way.

The Peanut Shell

This thing lets me go anywhere with her and I can feed her without feeling like my boob is going to be flashing everyone. I LOVE it, it had this metal piece on top that is shaped like a half box, so I can look down and see whats going on with her and still be covered.

The Milk Band

This is perfect for those people like me that have mommy brain. Who can't remember what they did 5 seconds ago. You flip the band over to whatever side you last fed, Left or Right, and then you mark what time you last fed every hour and it goes by every 5 minutes.


Everywhere I went my Motrin came with me for the first 3 weeks!


This stuff saved our lives!

There are a couple of other things that I really like but these are definitely my TOP Fav.

Things I've learned

Don't be so hard on your self!!!!

The first 4 weeks are the HARDIEST! ( at least they were for me) I thought I was getting depressed...I was crying all the time. I was walking like a duck, and had a hard time sitting, was sleep deprived, and couldn't understand why I didn't feel like a normal person. My mom would try to explain to me that my body just went though a huge transformation and it just doesn't go back to it's self over night, it take time. Sierra also had her nights and day's mixed up. So that made everything even harder. THANK GOD my mom was with us the first 3 nights, and then came for another week after Rob went back to work. It really makes a different if you have an extra helping hand, if anything just to calm you down when you are feeling over whelmed! Witch we did!

Sleep when the baby sleeps!

"Get used to those sleepless night!" People would say that to me at the end of my pregnancy. I thought that was funny, b/c I wasn't getting much sleep as it was at the end b/c Sierra had me up till 3 am every night kicking me, on my right side of my stomach. NO! you really don't get any sleep when the little one comes home! You lean to appreciate the time when they sleep 3 hours in a row. 4 hours...Forget it, You might get a dream in! I'm starting to really like my cat naps. It's the only thing that keeps me half sane now.

Take one day at a time

(and one thing)

I'm a very busy person, always have something to do and somewhere to go. I'll never forget the day I was sitting one the couch with Sierra and I went to go feed her, so I grabbed the Boppy pillow and as I was grabbing it and knocked over my glass of water on my coffee table. Water spilt everywhere all over papers and the rug. I start crying! b/c in my head I couldn't putt the baby down b/c I had to feed her...and IF I putt her down at all she might start crying...I can't let her CRY! For 3 hours I sat on the cough and was staring at the water on the table and the rug, till my mom came over! She came over and saved the day. Thank GOD for mom's! That day on, I've learned that it's ok if all you get done in one day is the dishes, maybe the next day you can do the laundry and the day after that you might be able to fold it!

Call/ E-mail your girlfriends

It is so important to call your girlfriends that have baby' you don't feel like your the only crazy mommy out there....there are a millions other just like you. Especially if your a new mommy like me. I didn't call anyone or go on the Internet for the first month I was home. All I could do was sit on the couch and hope I didn't do anything to break this new little person we brought home.


I've never been so excited to take a shower in my life! I take my showers now a night when Rob gets home from work...I give her to Daddy and I go in the shower. It's 20 min's of bliss heaven all to myself.


She makes me want to be a better person. I just hope that I can be the best mommy that I can be.

Theres more...but it's getting late and I can't think that good anymore....Must be time for a cat nap!

Friday, March 13, 2009

The Past Month...

The Day we brought her home, I laid her in the cradle that my Grandma let us borrow...
This is the 2nd generation using this cradle
All me and my cousins started our lives in it!

All wrapped up in the beautiful blanket Grandma made Sierra the first day we brought her home

First Dr. appointment (5 days old)
She gained back the weight she lost in the hospital, weighing 6 lbs again

Robs parents had a gathering at there house so everyone could meet our angel
(she was 10 days old)

Our amazing little family

With Auntie Aaliyah

Uncle Stevie

Oliver and Max

Sleeping with Max!

Drunk off of Tropical Smoothie Cafe

Drunk off of mommy milk!

Oliver (our other cat)

Holding her head up at 3 weeks!

She loves her daddy!

Waiting in the office for our 1 month check up!
(I think she looks like her daddy here)

She was so good for the Dr.!

A REAL smile!!!!

She Weighed 7 lbs 3 oz and was 19 1/2 in long!

How time flies!!!!