By 6:30 am I couldn't take it anymore...the nurses kept coming in and telling me to get some rest...that I have a long day ahead of me...But who can rest when they have contractions that won't slow down? They were very steady and never had a down time....well Rob was sound asleep snoring! So by 6:30 I yelled to Rob "GET THE NURSES! I can't take it anymore! I need the epidural!" I was scared out of my mind about getting the epidural...but the pain was over riding my fear. It really wasn't that bad! The only thing that hurt was the needle they use to numb the area...the rest just feels like a little tugging on your back. Rob wasn't allowed to be with me while it was being the nurse had to hold my hand instead. I was numb in 10 minutes! Couldn't feel anything not even my toes! It felt weird when I touched my legs..I felt like I was touching a dead persons body. After that the nurse put the catheter up me and I never had the urge to pee till it was all over!
Now I had wires coming out of every part of my body...The IV on my left hand, my blood pressure pump on my right arm the monitors on my belly...the catheter in my va jay jay...and the epidural coming out of my back and now they also gave me a oxygen mask as well! I was all hooked up! BUT I could sleep now! and thats all I cared about!
My mom showed up at 8:30 am...still nothing really changed at this point I was 3 centimeters dilated and waiting!
11 am my doctor showed up...that when he started to get things going. He broke my water and detached the placenta from my uterus. Thank GOD I couldn't feel anything...b/c I don't think it would have felt to nice when he was doing that. In all that crazyness they lost the connection to the heart montor to Sierra and were getting in return I started to get nervous...they then decided to attach the heart rate monitor to her again I had another wire hooked up to me...down by my va jay jay! He also told the nurses to start me on help speed things up. He then said to me "So what are you doing around 5?" I laughed and said "hmmm, I don't know laying here?" he said "Want to have a baby?" I said "Oh, really" Then I started to flip out after he left...OMG He's going to cut me open if I don't have this baby by 5! OMG!
The nurses came in about every hour or so to check on us...the pitosen was starting to become too much by arounds 2pm...Sierras heart rate was speeding up and mine was slowing down...I was sweating like crazy and couldnt eat enough ice chips! Rob had made a very smart invention he taped the cup with ice right next to me on the bed I could reach for them...All the nurses, and even the doctor comented on his brilliant idea. They stopped the pitosen... by then my contractions were very strong on there own.
around 4pm...the nurse came in and checked how dilated I was, I was 6 mom then asked "how much longer do you think it's going to be" the nurse explained that it takes about and an hour and 1/2 for you to dilate one we had about another 5 hours or so to was going to be a late night! So Rob called his fam and my mom called ours and told them not to come tonight.
Around 4:45 I was laying on my left side...b/c thats better for the baby, and all of a sudden I felt the huge drop in my stomach, it's hard to explain but it just felt like my stomach had dropped like 5"...i ignored it b/c I thought "im sure it's nothing b/c we have another 5 hours to go! and maybe Im not really feeling anything b/c i'm on the epidural" so about 15 mins later Rob had left to give my brother directions to get to the hospital (he was 10 mins away) and my mom was on the computer e-mailing people...My Dr's Wife came in and 3 other nurses to examine that point I didn't really care who looked at me or anything I was so used to opening my legs up to anyone that came in! So they were all crowed down there looking and then they start saying: Oh...Yea!!! Great!!!" they were smiling and all excited...I had know idea what was going on, so I said "Ummm whats up?" Dr. Claudes (my Dr's Wife) said "Your 10 centermeters dilated and + 2 effaced! Ready to Push?" and I said "WAIT, My husband isn't here, he just left! I can't!" and she said "Ok, by the time he gets back and we get set can start to push" So 5 mins later...Robs' there with two cameras in his hands, one's doing video, and the other is taking picuters and my mom has her camera in one hand and my hand in the other and the Dr says "ready!, push when I tell you and STOP when I tell you to. I don't want you to rip" She even lets me stay on the epidural the WHOLE TIME!!!! Every time I pushed she massaged my va jay jay to help Sierra out...I pushed 6 time's..... in 15 minutes she was born!
Sierra Elizabeth Singh
Born January 29th 2009 at 5:14 PM
weighing 6 lbs and 19 in long!
Born January 29th 2009 at 5:14 PM
weighing 6 lbs and 19 in long!
It was the best birth ever! Even the nurses said they never saw a birth that fast! The best part of the whole thing was right after she was born she strated to cry and they put her on my belly and she looked right at me and stopped crying and had this face on like " I know you...I know that voice" THAT WAS THE COOLEST! then they took her away to measure her and weigh her and clean her up and then she started crying all over again! Poor baby!
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