Ok so on Saturday the 24th of January Rob and I went to out regular weekly Dr. appointment. As we were in the Dr. Office he was checking Sierra, doing the sonogram, internal, feeling the out side of my belly....and then he said "I can't wait to cut her out!" and I said "WHAT!??!!" Now...P.S. I was soooo scared to have a C-section you have KNOW idea! Everyone of my friends/ family that I know that's had a baby recently have ALL been C-sections...I really didn't want that to be me. So after he said that...he said "So would you like to have her on Monday?" and I started to laugh and then I said "hmmm well can I just have her on the 1st of Feb, if I get to decide" (my cousin had her baby boy a year ago on Feb 1st, I thought it would be cool if they had the same b-day...she was due on the 6th of Feduary) and he said "no!, how about on Wednesday you come in and have her by Thursday" and I said "your kidding RIGHT!" Then he said "do you want to hear me out..." and I said "ok" thinking that he was just crazy! So his whole reason why he wanted to induce me was b/c he felt that she was getting bigger and I'm not such a "big" girl....so if I REALLY want to have a vaginal birth then the sooner the better...he also estimated her to be 7.5 lbs! (by the way she was 6 lbs when she was born!) I still feel like he induced me early b/c he didn't want to miss the super bole Sunday that coming weekend! Anyway... After he finally convinced us that this would be a good thing...He wrote out a prescription and handed it to us and said "See ya in the Hospital on Thursday!" It was very weird to know that that's the day Sierra would be born! You always have in idea...but we knew for sure. I think it was even more over whelming b/c we both felt so unprepared..even though we were as prepared as anyone could be for a new little baby to come home with them. Just the thought of being parents and having to take care a someone for the rest of there life just SCARED ME! It finally became reality for me...this was really happening...even though I've know this for the last 8 1/2 months...and my belly was growing enough to remind me every day that this was really going to happen... it didn't hit till we knew for sure that she was going to be in our arms on Thursday the 29th!
I was flipping out so much that I was on the phone with my mom and my cousin Emily for hours on end telling them how scared I was of a C-section...I had found out when Rob and I went to the Hospital later that day on Saturday to have a walk though that my Dr. was on duty at the Hospital on Thursdays from 7am to 7pm... I swear that if she wasn't born by 6:30 pm that night he was going to cut me open! My mom was telling me no to worry about it and my Cousin was telling me to get a new Dr. 2 day before I was going to go in to get induced! I was a mess!
On top of all my stress, I started to clean like CRAZY! I cleaned EVERYTHING! I felt like well if I'm not ready for this little one to come home, at lest my house will be!
That Wednesday we were supposed to go into the Hospital at 10pm...but if any of you are Lost fans out there...then you know we had to finish watching Lost before going to the Hospital! hehe....
We got there around 10:30 pm.....
YAY Stories!!!